A unique and wonderful client has a love for nature, including the goats and other animals she rescues.
The brief included creating a space that was in harmony with the surrounding gums trees and fields. The desire was for a place where nature could be watched, where frogs could be listened to, and time could be shared as a relaxing retreat.
A feature dry creek bed runs through the main area over 50m long providing an inviting ecosystem to thrive.
Varying native plants were used such as Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea'; Eucalyptus gregsoniana; Correa alba; Lomandra longifolia 'Tanika'; Myoporum parvifolium 'Purpurea', and many more...
The veggie garden and paths were made up of over 100 reclaimed railway sleepers to provide a rustic elegance.
Although the photos shown are only of newly planted and rabbit-proofed areas, the next year or two will provide a green space that will allow a delightful wandering to occur.
by managing the entire Design & Construction process, so you can finally relax and bask in the beauty of your beautiful outdoor space.